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Presidential Contest Could Be Over Before It Starts

Unbelievably (at least in my mind), Oprah Winfrey has already backed a candidate for the 2008 Presidential election.  It's only February of '07.  As my "O Power" post from earlier in the week suggested, I am in awe of the influence she has over the women of America, and women make up the majority of the electorate.  She's also very influential among the black community, although I would argue that her universal appeal to all women is more broad-based than her appeal to African-Americans.  She's keeping her options open with a nod to Hillary and how great she thinks she is, but is now officially on record as supporting Barrack Obama, after comments made on Ellen's show.
Here's a link to an "outside the U.S." perspective on the battle for star power between Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton, which could have a significant impact on the 2008 campaign.  It's not the ONLY thing that matters in the national election between Democrat and Republican, as evidenced by Bush's two triumphs over heavily Hollywood-backed Democrat opponents, but in determining the Democratic candidate who will actually be on the ballot next November, it is very significant.


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